Spanish politics meet market forces

Marbella - 16 October 2019

Join us at the beautiful H10 hotel in Marbella for an evening of networking and interesting discussions on Spanish politics and the financial markets. You'll also hear about an exciting new story emerging in the literary world.

Our speakers and topics for the evening:
  • Henrik Moberg, Danske Bank, Senior Investment Advisor - Ökad sannolikhet för en konjunkturvändning 2020?
  • Mats Björkman, Chief Editor Sydkusten - Den aktuella situationen i Spanien
  • Göran Rise, Lawyer & Writer - Ett fall för Carl B Lambert - Advokat Göran Rise kåserar om sitt författarskap

The event will be held in Swedish.

Register to the event below.
  • Programme

    18:00  Welcome at H10
    18:10  Henrik Moberg, Mats Björkman & Göran Rise take the stage
    20.00-21.00  Networking & finger food

  • Venue
  • Registration
    Tickets for this event can no longer be ordered.